Bridgetown Pictures

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What is personal branding photography?

Personal branding photography marries together the idea that you are unique and special, with an expectation of what people will experience when they do business with you.

Let's just get the cliche's out of the way...

It tells a story about who you are...

Now that that's outta the way, let's talk about how personal branding photography can help you.

The #1 Reason Why You Should Have Personal Branding Photography Done

We live a skeptical world with too much information.

Everything is fake.

People don't know who to trust.

And to top it off, we're constantly fighting for attention...

When people "google" you, do they see someone that they know, like and trust?

If the answer is no...

Then you already understand why you ABSOLUTELY have to have a personal branding photography session done.

This is the reason why you need personal branding photography.

We instruct our clients to use personal branding very specifically.

Want to learn how? Keep reading...

How to Use Personal Branding Photography in Your Business

1| Update Your Website

This is usually where your head probably went when you first started your search, so let's address this.

A hero image is the image that you choose as the most widely distributed and "known" image that represents you or your brand.

This hero image should be strategically placed where a customer is going to see it so that it instantly creates the perception of you that you want to create.

Think about it being where they are looking for trust like a checkout page, testimonial or review, banner or header and the about me section.

2| Social Media Profiles

Out with the old and in with the new. This one is a bit more involved, so let's just start with the basics.

Depending on how you market yourself, you'll want to create consistency when someone is researching you.

For example, if they jump from your social media to your website and back again, they want to see the same pictures as it links their thoughts together.

Put it this way...

A person looking for a solution for a problem is going to immediately run away if your social media doesn't line up with the expectations that you created on your website.

Maybe you come off high end on your website, but your social media says budget…

So by having the same profile image as the hero image on your website and more importantly, you contain the same messaging, then you've created consistency and trust by simply having the same picture.

3| Marketing and Advertising Campaigns

Ok, so you've spent all of that money on a professional personal branding photography session.

Time to put it to work...

Since you've taken the time to create a marketing campaign and sync'd the photography to meet that requirement, then you're ready to launch that campaign.

The obvious place to you use this photography is in your social media advertising, print ads and brochures.

As the new marketing campaigns roll out with this new image…

…you can expect a shift in customer base as you’re going to start attracting more clients that line up with your vision.

So when you have a professional shoot done, it is far more effective to then be able to create consistent messaging in your business.

The bottom line is that if you improve your marketing and advertising, you are improving your sales numbers.

When you improve your sales numbers, problems get solved and you serve more people.

Is Personal Branding Photography Right for You?

So how do you know if you need this or not?

Here are 10 Signs You Need Personal Branding Photography

  1. You Haven't Updated Your Website in The Last 365 Days

  2. You Haven't Updated Your Social Media in The Last 90 Days

  3. You Have New Employees

  4. Your Business is Brand New

  5. You Want to Improve Your Marketing and Advertising

  6. People Are Confused By What You Do

  7. Your Business Isn't as Successful as It Should Be

  8. You Want to Stand Out from The Crowd

  9. You Don't Want to Do It Yourself

  10. Cell Phone Images Don't Cut It Anymore

And finally, the last thing that I want to say is that you need this if people don't know, like and trust you.

Need more sales? Then let's get started...

Reach out to Jessica at or Call (503) 383-9159 and book your session today.