Bridgetown Pictures

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Top 10 Reasons Why You Secretly Love Branding Photography

#10: No One Mentioned How Fun Make Up and Hair Is

Did I mention fun?

Well let's talk more about this!

One thing that happens when you prepare for the shoot, is that you get to have your hair and make up done by a professional.

Pampering is a necessity for sure. It's relaxing to not need to worry about doing it yourself.

All the prep is done ahead of time.

This way, all you need to do is show up.

#09: It's A Life Changing Experience

Most people don't realize that branding photography shoots are a life changing experience.

It's hard to explain unless you've been through one.

But because most people do this seldomly, they don't realize that your self-esteem and confidence get super charged.

You feel so empowered.

You feel ready to conquer the world.

You know that you've put time and preparation into doing what needs to be done to build your business to where it is.

Now the photography will match that effort.

#08: It's Freeing to Be You

When you're in the middle of a branding shoot something happens.

You're in this state of mind where nothing else matters.

You are you.

And it shines through in the images.

It's a magical thing that's hard to characterize, but you'll know what I mean when you do it for the first, second and even third time.

There's no judgement.

There's no one saying you can't do it.

There's no doubt.

Only you in your most powerful state.

#07: You Get to Make The Right First Impression

The world is a funny place.

We have attention spans that are so dang short.

First impressions happen in fractions of a second.

That's what's great about controlling your marketing message up front.

You get to make the right first impression.

Every. Single. Time.

#06: Marketing is Sexy

Marketing is the fun and exciting part of doing business.

Get this right and you never have to worry about where your next sale is going to be.

Branding photography is that missing piece to a lot of marketing campaigns.

Sure you can go out and get stock photography, but most people don't do that right.

There's an art form to how you present the image.

There's a missing context from stock photography.

But we can help you learn how to do that.

All you have to do is ask!

(Ask us about our social media management subscription beta launch)

Getting your message to the RIGHT PEOPLE is all about branding the RIGHT WAY.

An example is when you shoot certain angles it communicates power, trust, understanding and success.

Stock photography can do that, you just have to be smart about it.

But even better than that is a customized branding photo shoot.

#05: Live Your Fantasy of Being a Model

A photoshoot is not something that the average person does regularly (unless you're on our subscription). We know that you've done the personal development and you think very positively of yourself.

That's what we like about you!

When you get in front of the camera you get to show the world, what you already know!

You are empowered and successful.

You may not know how to pose.

Where to put your hands.

Or how to smile.

Where to look.

But don't worry, we got you!

Working with us, you'll be guided exactly where to look, how to stand and we guarantee you'll be smiling!

This is fun!

One of my favorite parts of the shoot is when you start to feel super natural about what you’re doing.

It happens every time.

Did I mention that its fun?

#04: It's Fun to Do Something Out of the Ordinary Grind

Same ole' same ole' huh?


Not when you do branding photography shoots!

You do what you do because you wanted to enjoy your life right?

Well that's what's so interesting about branding photography.

Its more fun than people realize!

If you're gonna grind, you might as well have fun doing it!

#03: The Law of Attraction

The other day I had a revelation.

I realized that anyone that does a branding shoot is putting out to the universe that they're successful.

Even if they've NEVER MADE A DIME!


It's crazy to think about but...

If you're in the mindset of success and you have your picture taken, that mindset is captured in time.

The fun part about the Law of Attraction is that you can put that picture in a drawer and as long as you keep working at your business, you'll find that picture.

And you'll stare at it in amazement knowing that you succeeded.

And that you did it because you worked at it.

And that it was because you already knew you were successful at whatever it is that you wanted to achieve at the time.

And it was in that moment of when the photograph was taken that the universe was preparing to give you everything you needed to succeed.

#02: Branding Photography is More Than a Guilty Pleasure, It's Required


There's something cool about branding photography that I don't ever hear other photographers talk about.

Or maybe they do and I just don't see it enough....


Getting your picture taken during a photoshoot is a bit of a rush...

The hair....

The makeup...

The adrenaline...

The fun of it....

But the kicker here is that it's required.

It's happening less and less these days, but I don't ever come across a successful business without professional photos now.

#01: You Saw Your Friend Do It First

The thing about humans is that we're tribal.

We want to belong.

We want to be like everyone else.

When you see your good friend do it, you realize that, "hey I can do that".

"I see your results and I want that for me too!"

And that's all it takes really.

Knowing what's in it for you...

You don't "have to" have professional photography done.

But I can imagine that your businesses reputation and branding isn’t where it should be either....

If that's a problem that you're looking to solve, you should definitely reach out and download our pricing guide here and see if we're the right solution for you.

See you at the shoot!

Mark Gubuan
