Bridgetown Pictures

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How Branding Applies to Virtually Everything

Its a sexy idea that makes business fun.

Branding is an ancient concept.

When you think about stories of business and politics in ancient times, you will inevitably come across stories of people who care about what other people think about them.

Its human nature to have an emotional response to what someone says about you.

You'd be lying if you said, "I don't care what people think".

And don't bring that Gary Vee ra-rah stuff around here.

He cares too. (It's just one of the many oxymoronic things he says)

But don't get it twisted. I'm a huge fan and follower. He just has his moments.

I digress...

Branding helps our mind simplify our emotions.

At our core, we make spit decisions to survive.

And we do this using confirmation bias.

Branding leverages this confirmation bias at a subconscious level.


Victoria's Secret.

Bed Bath and Beyond.



Ruth Chris Steakhouse.

Without prompting you with pictures or statements you had an image pop into your head didn't you.

Now based on what you put in your mind via the internet, news, movies, television, church and conversations with friends and family, you developed how you feel about each of these things.

Your brain is incredible.

It takes millions and millions of data points and arrives at a decision.

A decision to live or to die.

(well that escalated quickly LOL)

That's as simple as things really are for humans.

Branding is literally everything.

But that's an overwhelming thought though.

Let's talk just about photography and you can help people do more living shall we? LOL!

Branding photography is how YOU can control confirmation bias of your business.

And CONTROL the subconscious feeling people have when they hear your name, the name of your business.

And of course, how they feel when they SEE YOU, or YOUR BUSINESS.

Notice I've been talking a lot about feelings....

Here's why....

The buyer in us is no more than 10 years old....

We're impulsive.

We want things just because.


We don't need to understand it. We just want it and we don't know why!

When you have intention in your branding you get to tell everyone's 10 year old self that, "hey! this is cool! And you're not cool if you don't get this!"

You may not feel this way on the surface, but I can guarantee you that your subconscious self is feeling it.

If you want people to feel happy about your brand, show them happy pictures.

If you want people to feel empowered about your brand, show them empowerment.

That's a simple as it needs to be.

That's why with our photography, we always get to know what you do, what your business does and what message you want to communicate.

Because after you communicate that to us, we can effectively use our time together to create photography that creates a loyal, consistent, predictable customer base.

Wouldn't it be nice to continue moving forward with your business with people like us who use a marketing first approach to branding photography?

We know we'd love to work with you too!

Check out our pricing guide to learn more (CLICK HERE)